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Personal Injury / Wrongful Death

Alaska Personal Injury Lawyer

Have you or someone you love been seriously injured in an aviation accident? Has your maritime, commercial fishing or workplace accident caused lost wages and mounting medical bills? Have you been involved in a motor vehicle or drunk driving car accident? Are you considering a wrongful death action because of a relative's fatal accident? Are you seeking high quality personal injury/wrongful death legal representation?

High quality representation of personal injury/wrongful death victims is what we offer at the Alaska Law Office of Marc June. Marc June will head your legal team and has provided comprehensive legal knowledge to injury clients throughout Alaska for almost 30 years. You will not see television advertisements, radio announcements or phone book advertisements for Marc June. Most clients learn of Mr. June because of his long-standing reputation for excellence, other Alaska lawyers or his law firm's many clients.

If you or a family member have been the victim of a serious accident, Contact Marc June immediately. He will provide a free initial consultation to discuss your legal rights and remedies and the investigation necessary to properly assess your rights.

Presenting the Strongest Hand by Working as a Team

Victims of accidents regularly express their frustration at the difficulty in presenting claims for accident losses without the assistance of a lawyer. Insurer and company representatives will discuss complicated legal issues. Because it is not in their economic interest to do sot, those same persons will often fail to address certain legal issues impacting claim resolution such as the need to obtain the consent of a workers' compensation insurer or the potential legal duty under a health insurance policy to repay of health benefits received as a result of the accident. The accident victim feels demeaned when, after trying to describe the impact of the accident, their credibility is attacked. When you, a friend, a family member or a loved one are seriously injured in a plane crash, fishing accident, car accident, or injured as a result of slipping and falling, you should reach out to a professional who can help you at the Alaska Law Office of Marc June.

Personal injuries and death happen in many ways. Marc June works hard to obtain full compensation for Alaska accident victims. Marc June represents victims of all types of accidents, no matter how they happen, including:

If your spouse, parent, relative or friend died in a fatal accident, dependents are entitled to compensation for their losses. Marc June welcomes the opportunity to thoughtfully and sensitively answer any questions and concerns you have about recovering compensation for wrongful death.

His diligent work on your behalf is performed for what is called a contingency fee. This means that Marc June receives no fee until you are paid by the individual, persons or business whose negligence led to your serious injury.

Contact Personal Injury Attorney Marc June Today

Contact the Law Office of Marc June today for your free initial consultation. He has nearly 30 years of experience helping seriously injured Alaskans just like you.

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Client Recommendations
Office Location

807 G Street
Suite 150
Toll Free: (907) 277-5234
Phone: (907) 277-5234
Fax: (907) 277-9120