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Motor Vehicle Accidents

car accident

Anchorage Car Accident Lawyer

Motor vehicle accidents are the most common reason accident victims contact a personal injury lawyer. Examples of these types of accidents include trucking accidents, drunk driving accidents and intersection collisions. Car or truck accident victims find themselves needing medical care, advice regarding vehicle repair and/or replacement, and a legal strategy to recover from the resulting injuries, secure replacement transportation, and generally get back on their feet, both emotionally and financially.

If you are the victim of a car accident in the Anchorage area, the Law Office of Marc June can aggressively represent your rights. He helps all victims of auto and trucking accidents, even those accidents where the responsible driver either does not have insurance (uninsured motorists) or has inadequate insurance (underinsured motorists).

Attorney Marc June has the experience, record of success and detailed knowledge of Alaska's automobile, insurance and liability laws necessary to help you recover for your injuries. He knows how to help you and your family collect from the parties whose negligence caused you harm.

Marc June believes in a team approach to personal injury representation - this means that he will work closely with you to evaluate options for proceeding with your case. Contact the Law Office of Marc June today by phone, fax or e-mail to schedule your free initial consultation.

Marc June Fights for Your Right to Compensation

It does not matter if you describe your motor vehicle accident as a car crash, truck wreck or whether your motor vehicle accident involves a collision with a commercial business or government vehicle. It does not matter whether your accident was a drunk driving accident or involved a semi-trailer, SUV or motorcycles. If your accident happened in Alaska, attorney Marc June can safeguard your interests and fight for your right to full financial compensation.

Marc June has represented clients who have suffered all of the many types of catastrophic injuries that result from motor vehicle accidents. These injuries include traumatic brain injury, loss of sight, fractured skulls, loss of limbs, paralysis due to spinal cord injuries, burn injuries and fractured bones.

Alaska Trucking Accident Injury Attorney

Marc June has seen nearly every type of car/truck accident and injury over 28 years of experience advocating for people just like you. He knows the worlds of insurance, liability, accident reconstruction and investigative techniques inside and out.

Attorney Marc June's negotiation and litigation skills come to you on a strict contingency fee basis. This means that his respected Anchorage law office does not charge you attorneys fees until you collect money damages from the responsible parties.

Let the Law Office of Marc June help you present your strongest case today. Reach out to us by phone, fax or e-mail to schedule that all-important free initial consultation. Mr. June will even come to you if your injuries prevent you from traveling.

Contact the Anchorage, Alaska, Law Office of Marc June Today

The Law Office of Marc June wants to hear more about your serious car crash injury. If you've been harmed in a car, truck or motorcycle accident, contact Mr. June today to schedule your free initial consultation.

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Client Recommendations
Office Location

807 G Street
Suite 150
Toll Free: (907) 277-5234
Phone: (907) 277-5234
Fax: (907) 277-9120