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Defective Products & Equipment

Alaska Defective Products and Equipment Injury Lawyer

Unsafe vehicles, machinery, equipment and consumer products cause both injury and death. Under Alaska law, both the manufacturers and sellers of products that fail to work as intended, malfunction or are unsafely designed are responsible for the consequences of accidents involving their products.

If you believe that you have been injured as a result of a defective product, you should contact attorney Marc June. Marc June has 28 years of experience helping people injured by defective products. Examples of product cases in which Mr. June has been involved include Allegro Motor Homes, Kenworth tractors, Piper Aircraft, Bowflex Exercise Equipment and Unilever. Representative cases

If you believe that your accident personal injury could be the result of a defective product, contact the Law Office of Marc June today us to discuss the possibility of a products liability lawsuit. You can reach his Anchorage office by phone, fax or e-mail to schedule your free initial consultation.

Working to Help Clients Injured by Defective Products & Equipment

Examples of products and equipment that could prove defective and seriously harm you or a loved one include:

How Were You Hurt?

Is your serious injury the result of a defective product or malfunctioning piece of work or recreational equipment? Contact a products liability attorney at the Law Office of Marc June in Anchorage immediately. For 28 years, we have fought hard on behalf of injured parties just like you and for your right to financial compensation for lost wages and medical bills.

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Client Recommendations
Office Location

807 G Street
Suite 150
Toll Free: (907) 277-5234
Phone: (907) 277-5234
Fax: (907) 277-9120